Clear Fork Cider

Brand for Clear Fork Cider
We find apples in old orchards around Colorado for the cider we make. The apples for our 2017 releases came from Lakewood, Lewis, Crawford, and Arriola, Colorado, some from hundred-year-old orchards, some from an orchard destined to be plowed under to make way for a housing development. Our apples for our 2018 ciders came exclusively from Maine, after a late May freeze wiped out all of our orchards across the state. Apples for the 2019 release came from our Colorado orchards and a small hand-worked orchard in Portland, Oregon. Within 5 years, all of our cider will be made from apples that we grow ourselves in Colorado. We like apples from old, neglected orchards like those in Montezuma County, near Cortez, where we worked closely with a local non-profit to source juice from vintage and heirloom varieties to make our metaMORPhic Blend. We know precisely - down to the tree in some cases - where almost all of our apples come from, and probably picked most of them ourselves. We look for apples that are natural-- not sprayed, fertilized, or treated with pesticides. We add wild seedlings like Pitts' Bitter, Full Field Five, and Bitter Pew to the mix of dessert and cider-specific apples. Seedlings add spice, variety, and tannins. Then we make cider the way it has been made for a long time, letting the apples express their true nature and the place they were grown. We follow a slow fermentation with an even longer maturation process. Our ciders vary from year to year, as conditions in the orchards shift and the availability of certain apples changes. We are dependent upon favorable weather and work closely with farmers and orchardists to manage pests without resorting to fungicides and pesticides.
Clear Fork Cider
4965 Iris
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-2245

2017 metaMORPhic - Hard Cider

$7.99 / 500 mL Bottle

2020 Big Britches - 4 Pack

$14.99 / 4 x 12oz Bottle

2020 River Run

$14.99 / 4 x 12oz Bottle

2020 Pommeau

$17.99 / 500 mL Bottle

InCider 2022

$45.96 /