Quince 750ml

Quince 750ml

NY - Upper Hudson
$15.00 / 750 mL Bottle

  • Alcohol 6.2%
1 750ml bottle | 6.8% ABV | Naturally Gluten Free Our mission is simple. We support New York farms by producing quality craft ciders using 100% New York apples and other agricultural products from our state. This cider is crafted from 100% quince from Orchard Dale Fruit in Waterport, NY. The result is a light bodied, refreshing cider that has notes of pineapple and bubblegum and a beautiful golden hue.

Brand for Nine Pin Cider
Nine Pin is New York’s first farm cidery and our mission is simple: we support New York agriculture by producing quality craft ciders using 100% local New York apples and fruit. 100% of our apples and fruit are sourced from Capital Region and Hudson Valley orchards to ensure an entirely local and high quality product. Apple varieties are carefully selected and blended to achieve a complex, balanced flavor with a clean and pleasantly drinkable finish.
929 Broadway
Albany, NY 12207-1305

Cranberry 750ml

$15.00 / 750 mL Bottle

Mulled Cranberry 4-pack

$13.00 / 4 x 12oz Can

Light Cocktail variety pack

$14.00 / 6 x 12oz Can

Signature 4-pack

$12.00 / 4 x 12oz Can

Ginger 4-pack

$13.00 / 4 x 12oz Can

NA Sparkling Cider 4-pack

$12.00 / 4 x 12oz Can

Signature 750ml

$12.00 / 750 mL Bottle

Ginger 750ml

$13.00 / 750 mL Bottle

Belgian 750ml

$13.00 / 750 mL Bottle

Blueberry Peach Cobbler 750ml

$15.00 / 750 mL Bottle