2018 Pips 750ml

2018 Pips 750ml

ME - Maine
$16.00 / 750 mL Bottle

  • Alcohol 7.5%
Sparkling. Bottle fermented with honey. 60% wild apples 40% heirloom apples including Stark and Wolf River. If you're looking to try our stuff for the first time, start with the Pips. It's our classic mid-season blend. Wild fermented in oak barrels for 9 months and then aged for another 4 months to allow for bottle fermentation.

Brand for Rocky Ground Cider
Hard cider made with wild and heirloom apples foraged from Maine's countryside.
Rocky Ground Cider
2566 Kennebec Rd
Newburgh, ME 04444-4947

2017 Cyser 375ml

$9.00 / 375 mL Bottle

2018 Pips 375ml

$8.00 / 375 mL Bottle